BTS of Our Best Sale to Date (3 Days of Dreams)

We recently had our best sale to date.

I’m usually not a fan of sharing exclusively about how we did things, as I’m intimately aware that the how isn’t what matters. However, there are so many takeaways from this sale that are objectively supportive to anyone wanting to practice business from authenticity.

The flow:

The 3 Days of Dreams sale was a play on the dream time and its essential role in the company as a whole (keep reading to find out why).

The logistics:

We offered specially crafted, never-before-sold bundles and deals for three days, each lasting 24 hours.

Some substantial pieces of this sale were…

Nothing we sold is yet to be created.

By this, I mean that nothing was sold that we had not already created or were not going to create, fulfill, or deliver.

Aside from the evergreen offers, we sold seats in an upcoming program that has already been created (sans live practice x Q&A calls) and year-long access to our membership, where everything that will be created is already set in motion.

We're highlighting this because there's both safety and sustainability in it.

We didn't whip up offerings just for flash and profit that weren't in alignment. And what we sold that was 'future-based' was already going to happen, regardless of whether we did the 3DOD sale.

Over time, 50% of what was sold will (factually) create more conversions.

Why is this important to us as a company?

We value sustainability over flash.

The first offer (three mini-programs) has a conversion rate of over 70% between the three. This means that someone taking one of these programs is over 70% likely to invest in one of the other.

The meat of the second offer (REVEAL) has a 30-40% conversion rate into our membership. This means those who take the more extensive program in this offer (REVEAL) are 30-40% likely to join our membership.

We've polled reasons for this, and it's along the lines of being wowed by the value of REVEAL and continuing to trust us. The participants desire to keep learning, stay consistent, and be held accountable in community for what they learned in the program. And, of course—both of these connect to the realization that they will gain access to all of this for 10% of the cost of REVEAL per month.

The third offer was exceptional in that people received 50% off a year of our membership (EDEN).

This was a win-win situation for us because commitment equals abundance. Members who sign on to EDEN for a year are far more likely to share about the membership with others, invest in other offers throughout the year, and participate with spaciousness and flow.

Alternatively, when someone is month-to-month, it's far more likely that they're assessing whether they want to keep paying, have more shoulds, etc.

Now, let's back up. These pieces we just shared were the byproducts of flow. They weren't starting components we efforted into but birthed from our alignment with the energy of the sale.

Let's refer to one of our favorite concepts from REVEAL… the phases of creation.

Seedling Phase:

I had been recognizing that, though I objectively enjoyed the occasional sale, I needed them to be more exciting. My energy wasn't in them in the same way. I could identify a simple reason for this—I wasn't having fun with them. And thus, no one on the team really was either. Not surprisingly, the numbers of our recent sales reflected this.

The past string of sales felt like they needed to be more innovative and flow-based. (The center point of these states is where the magic happens for me.)

I knew our rebellion against Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales had to emerge from a pot of fun, innovation, and flow.

Imagining Phase:

I had begun simmering on the bones of how we did the sale over a year ago (organized idea bank, FTW!) As for the dreams-piece—that dropped in with ease. It was apparent that it had been building energy and waiting for the right time.

I began writing out notes, building a Pinterest board, crafting a playlist, and just enjoying the process of things revealing themselves to me. For me, this is always a wax-on, wax-off process.

I.e., I both sit and think and tune in and—intentionally get up and stop consciously thinking about it. This part of the process is essential (for me) and cannot be rushed.

Pruning / Anchoring Phases:

As we continued to dream-storm and connect to the creation, the energy of the sale was clear as day. The ideas and inspiration were flowing strong.

The sale would be called 3 Days of Dreams, and it would play on the fact that one of the top ways people find us or sign up for our offers is because of their dreams. (We didn't even include how this is a top reason 1:1 clients sign on to work with me as well 👁️)

Rather than encouraging people to buy quickly from their conscious minds—we would invite people to delegate their decisions to their dreams. Something we know most of our audience was already doing and having great fun with.

We would craft 3 never-sold-before offers with incredible discounts lasting 24 hours––giving most people an entire day and a whole night of sleep to decide.

Lastly, everything would be dream-themed, including the fonts, colors, music, and photos. We would say things like "sleep on these deals" and "c u in ur dreams." We would pull screenshots from forms, emails, and DMs where people talked about how they found us or signed up through their dreams and used our polls as marketing.

Here, the connection to the vision informs the 'strategy'; as the strategy forms, it feeds into the vision- #symbiosis.

At this point, we watched as the things we first mentioned landed into form.

  • • we weren't coming up with or promising things that weren't in alignment

  • • the offers fed into long-term sustainability

  • • we were delighted by the theme and all-around vision; it felt like play to the whole team

The original intention and our alignment with it guided this entire process.

Releasing Phase:

When it was time to run the sale, the entire team had collaborated and was buzzing with excitement. Everything was like a harmonious orchestra of inputs, from operations to marketing to design.

In 3 days, we had our highest-profiting sale, received an entire slew of new "I was just dreaming about you or this" messages, had a handful of people (by their own accord) help us market the sale (!), received a ton of feedback reflecting things to us we were experiencing:

  • this is so fun!

  • • you always surprise us

  • • wow, this offer is incredible

… the list goes on.

It was our best sale to date in frequency and form. In other words, the highest profiting and highest alignment sale to date.

  • REVEAL is our seminal 9-week, in-depth program into the union of frequency and form in creation, operations, and marketing.

    ✧ 10+ hours of insanely in-depth modules + access to all notes in Notion
    ✧ 6 energy work practices to pair with each module
    ✧ 6 hours+ of live call time for Q&A + practice with P
    ✧ an abundance of aesthetic + organized Notion templates for creation, operations, and marketing…
    …REVEAL is rich in spirit and content.

    Since its inception, over 145 divine humans, being and doing EPIC things have walked through the doorways of REVEAL — only to remember they have wings.

    Ready to not just dream the dream but also build it? See you there 🏹


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