How to Live as Art

I’ve been either a part of or offering this work, in some way or another, for a long time now. 

I’ve realized the immense precision and grace required to interact with it in a life-generating, not life-draining, way.

I’ve watched many come into these realms desperately looking for answers, healing, and help, losing themselves in the trance of unworthiness and chasing fantasy promises.

While on the outside, things may look “Spirit-focused,” on the inside, an insidious focus on the I can take over.

“I need to heal.”
“I need to manifest this.”
“I need to find the answers."

From this place, the I will never be enough. It doesn’t matter what great new thing promises you for your ultimate healing or manifestation; you will still find yourself searching.

If one awakens from this trance, there may be a recoil followed by a great rebellion against spirituality, healing, and personal development. 

All of it gets thrown in the trash in the name of total exhaustion and defeat.

From this place, there might be a significant shift in focus toward the All, or God.

Now redemption is found through God and nothing else. And often, anything resembling redemption through honest engagement with life dissolves.

What would life become if you gave yourself permission to let it be art?

What if you allowed your evolution to become your expression?
What if each moment has silently been culminating into a masterpiece?

Pay close attention to this frequency.

It is not development, driven by push (I’m not good enough).

Nor is it rebellion against development driven by collapse (I’m done beating myself up to be better; it’s exhausting).

It’s not even transcendence (there is no I anyway).

Letting your life and the development of yourself become art looks like surrendering into the flow of your will and the Divine Will present in every moment.

It is allowing a current to flow through you, carving and sculpting you into what you're capable of becoming.

The momentum is imbued by a sense of worthiness in the now.

Not overriding circumstances in an effort to control them or becoming victimized by them.

It is sustained by being totally present, metabolizing what is, which, by law, creates the space for what’s next to unfold in the living art piece that is your life.

It’s the energy of a fundamental willingness to transform and be transformed, by Life, all while staying deeply connected to your worthiness and wholeness.

To engage yourself and Life deeply. Not because you have to but because you get to. Because that’s what makes the greatest art.

That’s what brings you the closest to God.

The paradox is that when you approach life from this place, showing up for whatever arises is no longer a chore; it’s an offering. 

The moment it becomes a chore, something to get you something, or a way to control––you have lost the art.
The moment you want to rebel against everything and hand it all over to God, rejecting yourself as a part of the dance––you have lost the art.

All artists know that the craft requires total engagement and complete surrender.
The brush doesn’t move itself.

Being entirely devoted to your humanity and fully surrendered to your divinity.
That's what moves the brush.

I am God’s masterpiece
Ephesians 2:10


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