How the Shadows of the Coaching Industry Are Making You Poor

The quantum boom of the coaching industry has a harmful side that is asking to be skillfully pointed out 🤷‍♀️

And that boom may be the very thing keeping you from money. Moreover, a life-giving, actualizing, playful relationship with money.

Hello 👋🏼 I am obsessed with money. And not in a Scrooge McDuck way (okay, okay, I don't not want to go swimming in a vault of cash) but in a WTF IS THIS way.

For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by the psychedelic we’re all unknowingly tripping on that is money. Since the inception of my work, no matter how often I think I’m done talking about and teaching about money, it always comes back.

But first, before the talking, teaching, and creating — comes the initiating (ass-kicking).

Money is like the teacher who brings you to a cave, has you eat mushrooms, and leaves you there for 7 days with no food or water.

Money is like the sensei who has you chop wood and carry water thousands of times, refuses to tell you why, and then one day, you’re awakened.

Money is like Baba Yaga; deeply in touch with the primal force of nature that is the crone. Utterly liberated from social niceties, personal comfort, and how egoically deserving you think you are.

Pilar, this is all pretty intense.

I prefer to think of money as a loving energy that wants nothing more than for me to have everything I (think I) desire!

Great. That can be a totally valid and generative way to relate to money.

However, what isn’t so generative is overriding personal and collective money shadows in the name of having it all. If you want to get to the proverbial promised land with money, you must be willing to face (and even partner with) some dragons along the way.

Because the power that protects, preserves, and births all that is sacred is not found in the comfort of delusion. It is found in total obliteration (sorry, it’s true; ask Daenerys Targaryen, or any other Mystic 🙃)

What does all of this have to do with me having no money?

Do you look out at the coaching, healing, spiritual (or whatever we’re calling it) industry and feel like you’re in the upside down?

Have you had personal or adjacent experiences with business being done in a harmful way?

Can you track the vault of unconscious patterns fueled by delusion, ego, and greed? No matter how ‘good presenting’ that may be?

Is just reading these sentences lighting you up? Are you feeling angry, frustrated, sad, or defeated?

Hello 🙋‍♀️ welcome to how the boom of the coaching industry is (potentially) keeping you from money.

It’s a resistance party extravaganza! Arrive by 7pm with your most triggering story of this industry and leave so mired in unprocessed emotion that money will surely stay miles away from you for the next month (minimum) 🤓

Here’s the deal: a lot of what’s occurring is personally wrong-as-hell for many of us.

AND, (another unpopular opinion), a lot of what’s occurring is also objectively wrong if you cross-check the energy with Creation itself.

But, and this is a big but — most of those proliferating the wrong/wrong ways consciously believe they are in the right. Very few are in touch with the harmful nature of their reality creation and go to bed every night convinced that they're helping.

Knowing that, it's your job to alchemize every damn thing that belongs to you in this fun-house of harm so that you can step into a new (yet, ancient) octave of money.

An octave that does not override but respects the wisdom of nature.

An octave that does not ask you to exploit integrity, authenticity, capacity — and any other life-giving fruit.

An octave where having more than enough is widely available, contingent on your devotion to Life itself.

Stepping into this reality doesn't mean it's all love and light.

It means that you are cleanly (as clean as you can get it; it won't ever be perfect 🧹) fueled by your objective acceptance of the reality that is occurring and, simultaneously, your subjective roaring desire to become the antidote.

Like Jesus, y'all.

I see and accept that this is what's occurring. And this is irrevocably not okay for me. Thus, I will do everything in my power to clear everything this is lighting up until what's left is the energy that creates worlds. From here, I will co-create a world where this is made obsolete. Boom 💥

Simple-ish in words, immense dedication in practice.

create space for what is meant for you without compromise

a self-paced mini program


Influence: A Great and Delicate Power


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